

 “Community is more than belonging To Something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter”  

— Brian Solus

our community collaborators

GreenTARA Space - North Hero, VT

North hero public library - north hero, VT

Hutchins Farm - North Hero, VT

north island dairy - North Hero, VT

Pomykala Farm - Grand Isle, VT

Blue Heron Farm - Grand Isle, VT

Champlain Island Farmers Market

Catamount educational farm - South Burlington, VT

Keeler Bay Variety Store - South Hero, VT

Harborside Market - North Hero, VT

Arbor Farm Market - South Hero, VT

Arbor Farmstead - Grand Isle, VT

sandy bottom farm - isle la motte, VT

Savage gardens - north hero, vt

Darby farm - Alburgh, vt

Champlain orchards, shoreham, vt
